News for the New Year: therapy prices and locations as of January 2024
The year is coming to an end soon, and I am proud to announce that I have now conducted the 100 hours (100 x 45 min) of client practice required in my training to become a therapist offering solution-focused brief therapy! My graduation is also approaching as the training programme will end in 6 months.
The new year brings along a new price list for therapy. As of 1st January 2024 I will be charging between 1,08 € and 1,20 € per minute instead of the current 1 € / minute. The rate is dependent on the type of booking: I am introducing packages at a reduced rate alongside individual sessions. You can find the new prices below.
Starting from January, I will be letting go of the therapy space in Maunula, Helsinki, and will focus on providing my services at the charming Söderkulla manor in Sipoo and virtually.
Solution-focused brief therapy trainee rates as of 1st January 2024. All prices include VAT at 24 %.
Tutustumiskäynti 30 min / First visit 30 min | 36 € | 1,2 € | |||
45 min | 54 € | 1,2 € | |||
60 min | 72 € | 1,2 € | |||
90 min | 108 € | 1,2 € | |||
PAKETIT (voimassa 4 kk ensimmäisestä käynnistä) / PACKAGES (valid 4 months from first session) | à-hinta / price per session | norm. à-hinta / normal price per session | norm. yht. / normal total price | ||
60 minuutin paketit / 60-minute packages | |||||
3 x 60 min | 198 € | 1,1 € | 66 € | 72 € | 216 € |
5 x 60 min | 324 € | 1,08 € | 64,8 € | 72 € | 360 € |
90 minuutin paketit / 90-minute packages | |||||
3 x 90 min | 297 € | 1,1 € | 99 € | 108 € | 324 € |
5 x 90 min | 486 € | 1,08 € | 97,2 € | 108 € | 540 € |
Lisätiedot seuraavalla sivulla.
More information on the next page.
- Etä- ja livetapaamiset ovat samanhintaisia.
Virtual and live sessions are charged equally. - Yksilö- ja pari-/perheterapiatapaamisissa noudatetaan samaa minuuttiveloitusperiaatetta.
Individual and couples or family therapy sessions follow the same pay-per-minute principle. - Paketit ovat voimassa 4 kk ensimmäisestä käynnistä. Maksutapa sovitaan erikseen.
Packages are valid 4 months from the first session. Payment method negotiated individually. - Ryhmälyhytterapia eli 3–8 (useimmiten toisilleen ennalta tuntemattoman) henkilön ryhmätyöskentely hinnoitellaan erikseen. Nyrkkisääntönä on, että ryhmäterapian kustannus on noin 1/3 yksilökäyntien hinnasta.
Group therapy, i.e., therapy for 3–8 individuals (usually unknown to each other), is priced separately. In general, group therapy costs 1/3 of the price of sessions for individuals. - Vähävaraisille ja marginalisoituihin ryhmiin kuuluville on tarjolla 1–2 alennuspaikkaa – ota yhteyttä ja kysy lisää.
I have 1 to 2 sliding scale spots available for people with limited finances and for members of marginalized groups. Email me to find out more.
- Varausehdot:
- Varauksen voi perua tai siirtää kuluitta 24 tuntia ennen varausta
- Alle 24 tuntia ennen varausta perutusta ajasta peritään palvelun hinta kokonaisuudessaan
- Peruuttamatta jätetyistä varauksista (“no-show”) peritään palvelun hinta kokonaisuudessaan
- Force majeure -tyyppisissä tilanteissa peruutusmaksulla voi mahdollisesti kattaa tulevan varauksen hinnan
- Teen parhaani helpottaakseni varauksesi muistamista. Saat kaksi sähköpostimuistutusta: ensimmäisen 24 tuntia ja toisen 1 tunti ennen varauksesi alkua.
Booking policy:
- You may cancel or reschedule your appointment up to 24 hours in advance free of charge
- Any cancellation and reschedule made less than 24 hours in advance will result in a cancellation fee (100 % of the price of the service)
- No-shows will result in a cancellation fee (100 % of the price of the service)
- In the event of a force majeure / unavoidable emergency, your cancellation fee may be applied to future services
- I want to do my best to help you to remember your appointment. I have scheduled two email reminders for you: the first one 24 hours and the second 1 hour a head of your appointment.